All work and no play certainly make the employees of Sasser Law Firm LLC no fun to be around. For that reason, we believe that there is more to life than work. Some of the things we do out of the office include:
Steve Sasser Photography:
In addition to operating Sasser Law Firm, Steve Sasser also runs Steve Sasser Photography. As a photographer he specializes in nature, concert, sports and travel photography. His photographs have been the subject of a local museum exhibits and several hang in his office. To see more of his photography follow this link.
Civic Involvement:
We believe that being a part of your community is a responsibility of everyone. While it is easy to criticize, we feel it is important the find a place where your can be a part of the solution. For this reason, we are involved in various organizations representing our values and concerns. Some of the things we are currently involved in include:
The Decatur-Morgan County Entrepreneurial Center:
The Decatur-Morgan County Entrepreneurial Center, also known as the E-Center, is a business incubator dedicated to helping small businesses and entrepreneurs build successful companies. Steve Sasser was a founding member of the organization, a past President of the organization and a current member of the Advisory Board of Directors. He is passionate about small businesses and helping entrepreneurs make their business dreams a reality. He is also a frequent speaker at various programs and seminars sponsored by the E-Center. To learn more about the E-center click here.
Kiwanis Club of Decatur:
The Decatur Kiwanis Club is dedicated to helping children in Morgan County, Alabama. As the oldest civic club in Decatur, Alabama it has been providing service to the community since 1919. Over the last 50 years the Club has raised over $1,000,000 that have been used to fund various projects and programs across Morgan County. Steve Sasser is a past member of the Board of Directors and a Past President of the Club and remains an active member. For more information on the Decatur Kiwanis Club click here.
Morgan County Child Advocacy Center:
The Morgan County Child Advocacy Center provides help and healing to children suffering from abuse or trauma. They provide Forensic Interviews, trauma counseling, victim advocacy, and trauma-focused cognitive behavioral therapy. Steve Sasser is a member of the Board of Directors. More more information on the Morgan County Child Advocacy Center click here
When not in the office or behind a camera you can generally find Steve with family or out in nature – usually sitting in a cold duck blind. He also enjoys traveling and new adventures. If all else fails, you can almost always find him chasing a good cup of coffee.